Prostate cancer diagnosis

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In Europe, about one out of seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime. Around 1.3 million biopsy procedures are performed every year to diagnose prostate cancer and guide treatment. Currently, transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy is the standard procedure, where 6 to 14 biopsies are taken at random sites using a core needle.
Malignancies found in prostate biopsies and/or in prostatectomies are graded according to the Gleason grading system, which consists of a five-grade group system with a strong correlation to survival rate. About 30% of men undergoing initial biopsy have prostate cancer, most within the lowest grade. These men are followed up on a regular basis with additional biopsies. Men with more severe prostate cancer are treated with surgery, chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Handling of prostate biopsies makes up an increasing amount of workload for today’s pathology labs. Here, powerful decision support tools – such as INIFY® Prostate – have the potential to save valuable time for the pathologist, while ensuring a more objective, consistent and accurate evaluation of the biopsies.